Tag Archives | shocking

The Chagos Betrayal: How Britain Robbed An Island And Made Its People Disappear

By Florian Grosset Publisher: Myriad Editions ISBN: 9781912408672 This isn’t a work of fiction, but the story of an action by the British Government that displaced an entire archipelago. Decades later the remaining survivors and their descendants continue to fight to return to their homeland, and although they receive occasional media coverage their story is […]

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Authorised Happiness 1

By Griffo & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184472 Near-future stories are a common staple of comics and science fiction. Taking an aspect of our contemporary culture and spinning it out to an extreme conclusion makes for some excellent storytelling possibilities. The trick, it seems, is to take the more mundane and innocent aspects, even […]

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